A site for poster & background & review & trailers . Feel free to request from us anytime!
Name : Mystery-Cious
Owner : Joeveen
Opened : April 25th 2009
Layout : Ver.3 ft. Kim Bum
Staff Application
Graphic Request
Review Request
Trailer Request
Cancel Request
Graphic Pickups
Review Pickups
Trailer Pickups
Graphic Pickups
Review Pickups
Trailer Pickups
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
Labels: updates
Requesters && staffs PLEASE READ
1. Requesters please read this...
Recently there's a been a trend in which some authors aren't satisfied with the posters made for them. I understand that because how you like a piece of artwork is subjective HOWEVER... if you our designers have already made you a poster PLEASE USE IT. I'm sorry if it doesn't satisfy you but you could always e-mail the designers and tell them in the most polite manner why you aren't satisfied. This could help our designers to improve on their artworks too. Also to avoid this from happening again in the future, please select your preferred designer CAREFULLY. Staff list with their samples of works are THERE FOR A REASON. It is there for you authors/requesters, to check which designer's style of artwork suit you best because everyone have a different tastes and designers have different styles too. Please choose CAREFULLY because once it's been made by the designers no matter if you are satisfied with it or not YOU WILL HAVE TO USE IT. If we find you not using the poster (or even worse, if you DELIBERATELY change your winglin account to avoid us and not using our poster you requested) you are going to be blacklisted from this site for not respecting our staff hence all your future requests will be IGNORED. I am very serious about this matter because try putting yourself in the designers shoes and see how you like it if you've taken the time and put a lot of effort into a poster which end up being wasted. So please be considerate about this okay?
2. Designer Amy ON HIATUS
Designer Amy, after not contacting me for a while and not replying to my emails finally replied to me. She told me that due to some emergency matter she couldn't get a hold of computer much hence is sorry to say that she will not be available. She told me she will be back in a couple of weeks so for now I have changed her status into HIATUS. So for those requesters who requested for her I have reassigned your requests to other designers. Trust me they are equally as talented as Amy so you don't have to worry about that.
3. Future affiliates...
I don't have much spare time lately so if you want to be affies please send us e-mail to mystery-cious@hotmail.com with your site link. I'll notify you through tagboard once I've linked your site to ours.
4. Graphic requesters please read this...
Just feel like saying something for requesters to consider here: If you want your posters to be done quicker/prioritised, do include HQ pics in your request form. This way we designers don't have to look for pictures first (which makes us take more time in completing your poster requests) hence your poster can be done quicker/prioritised.
I'm going to put trailer request on HIATUS because currently ALL of our trailer makers are on hiatus and I'm not sure exactly when they're going to complete the requests. So for all those who have requested, I will still put your request on the list. BUT starting from today onwards TRAILER REQUESTS WILL BE IGNORED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
6. Staffs
As you all know a lot of our staff is quitting/on hiatus so I took onboard many new people into our team. Please welcome reviewers: kawai_love, mei yee, and mhiz.SUNSHINE as well as designers: HyoJung and sushi. So for requesters, because we don't have these new staffs names on the request form list, just write your preferred reviewer/designer's name on the 'anything else' section if you want them to do your request. And by taking these awesome people into our mysterycious family, I am now officially announcing that STAFF APPLICATION FOR REVIEWERS/DESGINERS ARE CLOSED. Right now we only need TRAILER MAKERS so for those who are talented in video editing do apply! We desperately need you!
I guess that's all for now. Sorry, I been really busy and not able to update this site as often as before.
Saturday, August 01, 2009